Monday, February 18, 2008

Valentine poem!

Love is Enough; Though the world is like deep sea,
most of the youth had wrong up bringing,
and the tree's face is like complaining,
though the sky is sometimes too dark for us to see,
the flowers do not bloom like before,
the animals are hiding thereunder
fear can be seen in every man's eyes,
and you can see the trees and the animals tremble,
but even if we suffer that much
I can still have a big smile in my face
BECAUSE seeing the eyes and lips of my loved ones;
receiving a warm hug
and having a hot chocolate together when it's cold;
this makes me stop and think:
Love Is Enough


HTML is the process
where in you can get obsess
for all the things you get
and you'll surely won't regret

Tim Berners-Lee
is one of the inventor
of one of the things teens adore
or the thing nobody ignores

And for that
at least i say thanks
for that one man
who makes sense :D